
Project Information


A series of images taken over many years documenting the decline of residential and industrial structures. Many of these places were once thriving and busy places that we can connect with. Due to unforeseen circumstances, these places often get abandoned, either from folks moving on, or businesses failing and lack of funds to manage their up keep. As time goes by, they decay and succumb to the elements, to return to their basic state. I try to capture these places before they disappear completely. I find these places like time capsules with remnants that take us back . It could be the old refrigerator in the window of an abandoned hotel, an old gas pump, or a collapsed staircase that reminds of of our grandparents house.  As these places and properties decline, the elements take hold, as nature always wins. I see both sadness, and beauty in these places. This starts with the hand of humans as they painstakingly develop and shape these places to create beautiful structures, use them, make homes in them. Then the sadness as they decline, and disintegrate. After a while plants, and nature takes hold, creating a new environment, that combines both man made and natural forms together that has its own beauty.